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US Lacrosse Code of Conduct

Lacrosse is the oldest American sport. Native Americans played lacrosse centuries ago, long before our colonies were settled. Through lacrosse, Native Americans celebrated and emphasized their spiritual and cultural values.
In an effort to promote appropriate values in the modern game, US Lacrosse has partnered with the Positive Coaching Alliance to promote positive coaching and good sportsmanship for all levels of lacrosse. US Lacrosse has included the following "Lacrosse Code of Conduct" as part of its membership application to encourage and foster appropriate values in players, coaches, parents, officials and spectators. US Lacrosse believes that it should be a priority of every lacrosse player, team, program and league to "Honor the Game."
Players, coaches, officials, parents and spectators are to conduct themselves in a manner that "Honors the Game" and demonstrates respect to other players, coaches, officials, parents, spectators and fans. In becoming a member of the lacrosse community an individual assumes certain obligations and responsibilities to the game of lacrosse and its participants. The essential elements in this "Code of Conduct" are HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Those who conduct themselves in a manner that reflects these elements will bring credit to the sport of lacrosse, themselves, their team and their organization. It is only through such conduct that our sport can continue to earn and maintain a positive image and make its full contribution to amateur sports in the United States and around the world. US Lacrosse supports the following behaviors for those who participate in the sport or are involved in any way with US Lacrosse. The following essential elements of the "Code of Conduct" must be followed:
✛ Sportsmanship and teaching the concepts of fair play are essential to the game and must be taught at all levels and developed both at home and on the field during practices and games.
✛ The value of good sportsmanship, the concepts of fair play, and the skills of the game should always be placed above winning.
✛ The safety and welfare of the players are of primary importance.
✛ Coaches must always be aware of the tremendous influence they have on their players. They are to strive to be positive role models in dealing with young people, as well as adults.
✛ Coaches should always demonstrate positive behaviors and reinforce them to players, parents, officials and spectators alike. Players should be specifically encouraged and positively reinforced by coaches to demonstrate respect for teammates, opponents, officials and spectators.
✛ Players should always demonstrate positive behavior and respect toward teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, parents and spectators.
✛ Coaches, players, parents and spectators are expected to demonstrate the utmost respect for officials and reinforce that respect to players/teammates. Coaches are also expected to educate their players as to the important role of lacrosse officials and reinforce the ideal of respect for the official to players/ teammates.
✛ Grievances or misunderstandings between coaches, officials or any other parties involved with the sport should be communicated through the proper channels and procedures, never on or about the field of play in view of spectators or participants.
✛ Officials are professionals and are therefore expected to conduct themselves as such and in a manner that demonstrates total impartiality, courtesy and fairness to all parties.
✛ Spectators involved with the game must never permit anyone to openly or maliciously criticize, badger, harass or threaten an official, coach, player or opponent.
✛ Coaches must be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the rules of lacrosse, and should adhere to the rules in both the letter and the spirit of the game.
✛ Coaches should provide a basic knowledge of the rules to both players and spectators within his/her program. Attempts to manipulate rules in an effort to take unfair advantage of an opponent, or to teach deliberate unsportsmanlike conduct, is considered unacceptable conduct.
✛ Eligibility requirements, at all levels of the game, must be followed. Rules and requirements such as age, previous level of participation, team transfers, etc, have been established to encourage and maximize participation, fair play and to promote safety.


For more information on US Lacrosse Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, please visit

Stuart Lacrosse Code of Conduct

As a Stuart Lacrosse player parent,

  • I will be supportive of my child by allowing him or her to play for themselves, to pursue their goals and to enjoy the youth lacrosse experience.
  • I will be a "team" fan, not just a my "child" fan.
  • I will insist my child treat other players, coaches, officials, and fans with respect.
  • I will refrain from coaching my child and/or other players during games and practices.
  • I will leave the coaching to the coaching staff. I will encourage my child to play in a manner consistent with the team's strategy and game plans.
  • I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • I will inform the coach, within a reasonable amount of time, of any absence from a game or practice my son might incur due to illness, planned vacation, sports related conflicts etc.
  • I will not address or question a coach regarding any concerns related to playing time, player role, strategy or game plan immediately after, during or prior to any game.  I will never confront a coach in front of other players or families.
  • I will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or Stuart Lacrosse event.
  • I will thoroughly enjoy my experience with Stuart Lacrosse!


All Players must be USA Lacrosse registered.

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